Modernize Your Workplace with Unified Block Chain Applications & Improve Your Balance Sheet!

XCaliber Application Supervisor

$9.99 / monthly renewal

The XCaliber Application Supervisor for Android Mobile Devices will immediately notify the developer via Text Message of a program crash, as well as, pinpoint the error conditions. The package is distributed as source code to the developer to integrate with their program. Copy-And-Paste simplicity. The XCaliber Application Supervisor is an implementation of the Application Crash Report for Android (ACRA) using the XCaliber HyperLedger System. All of these ACRA reports are stored in a Block Chain for the developer to review and manage.

super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Percolate object hierarchy
appSupervisor = new AppSupervisor(); // Create the AppSupervisor Object
appSupervisor.setAcraFileName(“”); // Set the File Name of the Application Log
appSupervisor.initXAS(this,true); // Initialize the AppSupervisor



Developers are often on the receiving-end of abject criticism when a production program crashes. Quite often the program error goes undetected or unreported until customer service or the datacenter calls for technical support. A case study of Android App usage indicated end-users were actually un-installing the program after 3 crashes. They did not bother to call anyone and report the program bug. Three strikes and your Andoid App is out and the customer is lost. XAS is essentially an insurance policy against losing customers.
The XCaliber Application Supervisor for Android Mobile Devices will immediately notify the developer via Text Message of a program crash, as well as, pinpoint the error conditions. The package is distributed as source code to the developer to integrate with their program. Copy-And-Paste simplicity. The XCaliber Application Supervisor is the first commercial implementation of the Application Crash Report for Android which stores these error reports in a Block Chain for the developer to review and manage. In addition, XCaliber Chain Code programs can be used to analyze the block chain for error conditions, frequency of occurrence, particular device types affected and operating system support.

XCaliber Application Supervisor (XAS) Diagnostics Report
06/07/2023 – 07:49:56

       Android App Name: XCaliber
                  Title: XCaliber IoT/OSP
           Package Name: com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber
            Program Ver: 3.2 Code: 5
   Contact Google gMail: (Not Available)
  Contact Android eMail: (Not Available)
            Phone Model: SM-S327VL
                  Brand: samsung
            MAC Address: 02:00:00:00:00:00
            Android Ver: 6.0.1
          Internal Name: Marshmallow
              SDK Level: 23
           Total Memory: 10,842 MB
            Free Memory: 2,209 MB
————————— Program Related Messages ——————————–
06-07 07:53:17.170 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – AppSubTask Detached
06-07 07:53:17.870 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Check Network ….
06-07 07:53:17.870 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Setup WebView ….
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync – Constructor
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync – Run
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync 1
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync 1a
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync wait
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Setup WebView …. capture
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 IoT Service Call Exit
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – TouchEvent:2 X:452.0 Y:828.0
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – TouchEvent:1 X:452.0 Y:828.0
06-07 07:53:18.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:18 T57 LT9999 Dispatcher – Telemetry Button
06-07 07:53:18.970 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:18 T57 LT9999 Dispatcher – Pause
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT8888 UDN=/data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/files/Xcaliber.sys
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT777 tag=01505 (*)
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Create
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 NFC Offline
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Start
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Resume:Telemetry
06-07 07:53:20.320 I/XCaliber.Network/ACRA.1001(13220): ACRA Test …Test
——————————- Begin Java Stack Trace ———————————–
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=4; regionStart=0; regionLength=9
at java.lang.String.startEndAndLength(
at java.lang.String.substring(
at com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber.ScepterActivity.callXAS(
at com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber.ScepterActivity$6.onClick(
at android.view.View.performClick(
at android.widget.TextView.performClick(
at android.view.View$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
——————————- End Java Stack Trace ———————————–
——————————– Application Log —————————————
CSA.IoT/Android Applicationn Log
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Android O/S Version:Marshmallow v6.0, API Level: 23
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Device:samsung Model:SM-S327VL
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Inscribed:null
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Enable ACRA
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Initialized
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Action:android.intent.action.MAIN
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Collect Accts
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Disp. Height:1280 Width:720 DPI:320
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 IPv4: MAC:02:00:00:00:00:00
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Update ACRA
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Ready
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Start
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Splash
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 AppSubTask – Constructor
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 AppSubTask – Run
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Resume:android.intent.action.MAIN
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Pause
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – SurfaceCreated
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:29 T54 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – SurfaceChanged
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:31 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Activity Result – Req:1 Rslt:0
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:00:31 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Resume:android.intent.action.MAIN
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:01:31 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Pause
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:01:31 T54 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – SurfaceDestroyed
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:01:31 T54 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – AppSubTask Detached
CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 06:01:32 T54 LT9999 Dispatcher – Destroy
——————————— Internals —————————————-
AndroidAppTitle=XCaliber IoT/OSP
ProdTag=01505 (*)
——————————- Device Features ————————————-
—————————— Android Console (Logcat) —————————–
06-07 07:53:17.170 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – AppSubTask Detached
06-07 07:53:17.200 I/WebViewFactory(13220): Loading version 103.0.5060.129 (code 506012900)
06-07 07:53:17.280 W/ResourcesManager(13220): Resource getTopLevelResources for package =Null
06-07 07:53:17.300 I/art (13220): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class
06-07 07:53:17.300 I/art (13220): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class
06-07 07:53:17.310 I/art (13220): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class
06-07 07:53:17.310 I/art (13220): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class
06-07 07:53:17.350 I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider(13220): Loaded version=103.0.5060.129 minSdkVersion=23 isBundle=true multiprocess=false packageId=3
06-07 07:53:17.360 W/System.err(13220): mkdir failed: EEXIST (File exists) : /data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/cache/WebView
06-07 07:53:17.440 I/cr_LibraryLoader(13220): Successfully loaded native library
06-07 07:53:17.440 I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder(13220): Flushed 9 samples from 9 histograms.
06-07 07:53:17.750 E/chromium(13220): [] opendir /data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/cache/WebView/Default/HTTP Cache/Code Cache/js: No such file or directory (2)
06-07 07:53:17.750 E/chromium(13220): [] Could not reconstruct index from disk
06-07 07:53:17.790 D/ConnectivityManager(13220): requestNetwork; getAppId(CallingUid) : 10224, CallingPid : 13220
06-07 07:53:17.850 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:17.870 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Check Network ….
06-07 07:53:17.870 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Setup WebView ….
06-07 07:53:17.910 E/libEGL (13220): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync – Constructor
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync – Run
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync 1
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync 1a
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 EventSync wait
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 Setup WebView …. capture
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 IoT Service Call Exit
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – TouchEvent:2 X:452.0 Y:828.0
06-07 07:53:17.930 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
06-07 07:53:17.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:17 T57 LT9999 GraphicsPanel – TouchEvent:1 X:452.0 Y:828.0
06-07 07:53:17.960 I/Choreographer(13220): Skipped 46 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
06-07 07:53:17.960 E/libEGL (13220): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
06-07 07:53:17.970 W/ResourceType(13220): Entry identifier 0x2 is larger than entry count 0x1
06-07 07:53:17.970 W/ResourceType(13220): Entry identifier 0x2 is larger than entry count 0x1
06-07 07:53:17.980 W/ResourceType(13220): Entry identifier 0x2 is larger than entry count 0x1
06-07 07:53:17.980 W/ResourceType(13220): Entry identifier 0x2 is larger than entry count 0x1
06-07 07:53:17.990 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): #1 mView = android.widget.LinearLayout{2da147d V.E…… ……I. 0,0-0,0 #10203a4 android:id/toast_layout_root}
06-07 07:53:18.000 D/libGLESv2(13220): DTS_GLAPI : DTS is not allowed for Package : com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber
06-07 07:53:18.020 E/libGLESv2(13220): HWUI Protection: wrong call from hwui context F: ES3-glCreateProgramSEC
06-07 07:53:18.030 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): #3 mView = null
06-07 07:53:18.090 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 – 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 – 0, 0) or=1
06-07 07:53:18.130 W/System.err(13220): mkdir failed: EEXIST (File exists) : /data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/cache/WebView/Crash Reports
06-07 07:53:18.430 E/chromium(13220): [] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -107
06-07 07:53:18.840 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
06-07 07:53:18.890 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): #3 mView = null
06-07 07:53:18.920 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
06-07 07:53:18.930 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:18 T57 LT9999 Dispatcher – Telemetry Button
06-07 07:53:18.940 I/Timeline(13220): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber time:86448081
06-07 07:53:18.970 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:18 T57 LT9999 Dispatcher – Pause
06-07 07:53:18.970 E/libGLESv2(13220): HWUI Protection: wrong call from hwui context F: ES3-glCreateProgramSEC
06-07 07:53:19.020 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.020 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.030 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 D/TextView(13220): setTypeface with style : 0
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): ************************* udn=/data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/files
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT8888 UDN=/data/user/0/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/files/Xcaliber.sys
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): ************************* xcaliber file
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): HC=01505 (*)
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT777 tag=01505 (*)
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Create
06-07 07:53:19.040 I/System.out(13220): Dispatcher – WebPage: (*)& &IoTLic=12345678&IoTReg=87654321&NFCLic=&NFCReg=&MAC=02:00:00:00:00:00&IPv4=,SM-S327VL,1280,720)
06-07 07:53:19.050 V/NFC (13220): this device does not have NFC support
06-07 07:53:19.050 V/NFC (13220): this device does not have NFC support
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 NFC Offline
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Start
06-07 07:53:19.050 I/System.out(13220): CSA.IoT/XCaliber 06/07/2023 07:53:19 T57 LT9999 XCaliberActivity – Resume:Telemetry
06-07 07:53:19.060 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): #1 mView =$DecorView{33cd84a I.E…… R…..ID 0,0-0,0}
06-07 07:53:19.060 D/SecWifiDisplayUtil(13220): Metadata value : SecSettings2
06-07 07:53:19.090 D/ScrollView(13220): onsize change changed
06-07 07:53:19.120 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 48 – 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 – 0, 0) or=1
06-07 07:53:19.180 D/OpenGLRenderer(13220): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x8133ee40 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x8141fb40
06-07 07:53:19.180 I/Timeline(13220): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@77ee9b5 time:86448325
06-07 07:53:19.400 V/ActivityThread(13220): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{4c150d8 token=android.os.BinderProxy@ac5c06 {com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber/com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber.Dispatcher}} show : false
06-07 07:53:20.230 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
06-07 07:53:20.300 D/ViewRootImpl(13220): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
06-07 07:53:20.320 I/XCaliber.Network/ACRA.1001(13220): ACRA Test …Test
06-07 07:53:20.320 D/AndroidRuntime(13220): Shutting down VM
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): ACRA caught a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=4; regionStart=0; regionLength=9
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at java.lang.String.startEndAndLength(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at java.lang.String.substring(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber.ScepterActivity.callXAS(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at com.csa.iotsys.xcaliber.ScepterActivity$6.onClick(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.view.View.performClick(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.widget.TextView.performClick(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.view.View$
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at$
06-07 07:53:20.330 E/ACRA (13220): at
—————————— End of Diagnostic Report ———————————–